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Highlighted Hymn

My Prayer

Language cannot express
The grandeur of your name,
Perfect in power and holiness
You are forever the same.

So begins “My Prayer”, a reflective hymn by Tom Croxton that is sung to God.  Each stanza voices a different aspect of our prayers — first praise, then requests for ourselves and for others, a plea for God’s guidance, a promise to follow God’s leadership, and finally, a statement of humility before God.  In theological terms, the six stanzas explore the topics of adoration, petition, intercession, discipleship, commissioning, and submission, respectively.  But this hymn is not a theological treatise, rather, a simple song from the heart.  It concludes with an expression of willingness to accept God’s authority in our lives.

Transform and make me new,
Claim my life as your own,
Let what I say and all I do
Bring glory to you alone.