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Scripture in Song

How to Behave in Church:  Jude 1:17-25

The book of Jude, only 25 verses in length, is probably not on many people’s short list of “favorite bible passages.”  After a brief greeting, the writer launches into a condemnation of Christians who see God’s forgiveness as an excuse to sin.  The author’s harsh words are punctuated by a lot of Old Testament references to those who were punished by God.  However, the last six verses of the book turn more positive in outlook.  These might be subtitled, “How to behave in church.”  Here the writer encourages those in the church to live holy lives, supporting each other, rejecting the leadership of those who live sinfully, and looking directly to God for strength.  That message is the basis for Tom Croxton’s hymn entitled, “Keep Yourselves in the Love of God.”

Keep yourselves in the love of God, 
Wait for the Lord’s mercy 
For it leads to eternal life 
And grants us purity.

Do not be led by worldly ones
Who scorn Spirit control,
Their sins can tear God’s church apart,
Your love will make it whole.

So show mercy to those in doubt,
Help them live right and pure
Relying on our glorious God
To keep your own way sure.

Like the book of Jude, this hymn concludes with a doxology of praise:

To the one God who lifts us up
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
Be majesty and dominion
Now and forevermore.